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The Ultimate Guide to Hiring the Best Full Stack Web Developers

In this growing business world, it is essential to save every penny. But developers are essential for growth, and all businesses need them. So only one can be afforded either development or money. But now, businesses can have a solution by hiring full-stack developers as they work on the front-end and back-end of the web applications. According to the 2020 Emerging Jobs Report (US) From LinkedIn, “full-stack engineers” are in the 4th position on their list with 35% growth every year since 2015. The report says that full-stack engineers are beneficial to any company and one of the most promising jobs for upcoming years. Full-stack can be applied to software-specific devices. Therefore it is no harm in saying that future full-stack developers are promising. But, at the same time, this job demands a lot of knowledge and hard work. So come on, let us see what those are.
Full Stack Developers: The Role and The Responsibilities

Full-stack developers should be skilled in both the front-end (client-side) and back-end (server-side) development, as well as in server design, debugging, and networking.
Front end development:
It is the perceivable part of a web application that is responsible for user experience. It is the front-end developers job to make it looks beautiful as The user directly interacts with it.
Front end Languages are:
HTML: is HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design the portion of web pages.
CSS: is Cascading Style Sheets. It allows applying styles to web pages to make them look presentable.
JavaScript: it is one of the most famous scripting languages to make sites user interactive. It enhances the utility of a website.
Front End Frameworks and Libraries: angular js, react.js, bootstrap, jquery, sass, semantic-UI, backbone.js, etc.
Back end: It refers to the server-side development of the application. It is the part of the application which the user cannot see.
Back end languages are:
PHP: it is a scripting language for web development.
C++: It is a general-purpose programming language.
Java: it is one of the most popular programming languages.
Python: Python is one of the most programming languages that can work quickly
JavaScript: Javascript can be used as both (front end and back end) programming languages. Back End Frameworks: Express, Laravel, Django, Rails, etc.
Database: it is the collection of linked data that helps in the efficient insertion and deletion of data and organizes the data in the form of tables, views, schemas, reports, etc.
Oracle: It is a database server and is used to manage information. MongoDB: A non-relational database is an open-source document-oriented database. SQL: Structured Query Language is a database programming language that is used to manage databases
Why Hire a Full Stack Web Developer?

- Cost: full-stack developers can offer companies very cost-effective solutions to the problems. They are reliable and provide both front-end and back-end development services.
- Multitasking and efficiency: they can easily switch between front-end and back-end. As they have knowledge of both ends, they can provide a better solution efficiently.
- Good for small business owners: they can fulfill the needs required for the product within the budget.
- Troubleshooters: they can identify errors with good solutions. This saves time and development.
- Deadlines: with a team of full-stack developers, the work will deliver before time as they will be good at dividing responsibilities and completes work on time
- knows ongoing trends and styles: they have good knowledge of market trends and styles and will be to satisfy business needs better
- Can create wonders from scratch: it is considered as the biggest benefit as they have all the skills to build a product.
With some support, they can develop a great product. Therefore, a full stack developer is the best bet for your business, and they will benefit your business better.
Essential Skills of a Full Stack Web Developer

It is needed to have the right attitude and personality with knowledge in order to be a great full-stack developer. Yes, front end and back end matter, and they should know all the knowledge for programming too, but there is more to it too.
- They should be good at debugging the code and keeping it optimized.
- They should be creative thinkers who think outside the box, and they will work with graphic designers too.
- Problem-solving skills are also important. Identifying problems are not that difficult but providing their solutions are. most companies are looking for problem solvers
- They need to be good at communication so that they can discuss their ideas with non-tech people too.
- Their time management skills matter. This can help them meet the deadlines as soon as possible.
- They should pay attention to details as it is important to make sure to send the correct work and, if needed, then check it more than twice.
- They should be curious about things so that they'll keep up with the latest trends and can create a beautiful and user-friendly product.
- They should consider security and scalability when developing.
The Recruitment Process: Screening, Interviewing, and Hiring

Companies want the best employees today who are worth their money. One of the most resourceful people in a software development company are full-stack developers. The plethora of benefits they bring to a company is extraordinary. The kind of creativity, skilful experience and knowledge they have can not be seen through resumes.
The first the company sees is obviously the skill sets. So your resume matters because it shows a company how much knowledge and experience you have. But companies take assessments to choose candidates. Sometimes it reduces the dependency on the resume. The resume doesn’t tell about the quality of work, their attitude, approaches, or their creativity and ability to solve problems. Companies need the most well-trained, experienced, competent, honest, hard working candidate. and after screening from assessments and resumes, they call for an interview.
Where they look apart from technical skills like passion for learning, like Interest and passion for learning, communications skills, and their decision making, they can even give you a hypothetical situation to analyze your skills and how you handle pressure. But confidence is the key. So go and break a leg.
How Atidan Technologies Can Help You on Your Cross-Platform App Development Journey

Atidan specializes in creating custom mobile apps with beautiful user interfaces with a strong focus on providing a fantastic user experience. Our emphasis on the designing process promotes designing the application while keeping the end-user in mind. At Atidan, our goal is to help you realize the full potential of today's cutting-edge technologies. With a presence in over 14 countries, We have software engineers that can help you maximize your technology investments and bring new efficiencies to your business. Our team of developers, architects, and specialists bring a diverse array of technology frameworks and a rock-solid approach to ensure your application works seamlessly. With access to Atidan’s highly experienced recruiters, you can even hire exceptional pre-vetted Flutter, Dotnet, React native or Xamarin developers for your business. With global offices in the USA, UK, India, SEA and success stories across various industries, our goal is to help you realize the full potential of today's cutting-edge technologies.