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At the forefront of Microsoft Azure consulting & development, Atidan enables you to harness the true potential of the Azure Platform.

Atidan will work with your business process managers, IT staff and executive leadership to identify your needs and requirements whether those include virtual machines, databases, Active Directory support or alternative Azure applications. 

Atidan’s expert consultants will meet your requirements with your SLA in mind while ensuring your organization’s ongoing compliance with regulations and governance.

Decades of expertise and a tremendously powerful platform make a great combination for your business.

An Introduction to Microsoft Azure

Our Cloud Services match your business needs and technical requirements to the appropriate services that extends from initial planning and review to deployment and support on Microsoft Azure. Atidan will work with your business process managers, IT staff and executive leadership to identify your needs and requirements whether those include virtual machines, databases, Active Directory support or alternative Azure applications. Atidan’s expert consultants will meet your requirements with your SLA in mind while ensuring your organization’s ongoing compliance with regulations and governance. Atidan differs from the competition in that we provide a comprehensive migration and deployment roadmap that covers your risk of disaster recovery, migration to Azure and plans to even transition away from Azure as needed in your long-term IT master plan. Atidan’s services would not be complete without comprehensive treatment of identity and access management as well as appropriate licensing strategies based on your organization’s current tools and applications.

Microsoft Azure is the industry leader’s solution for going to a partially or totally cloud-based architecture. Microsoft has leveraged its constantly-expanding worldwide network of data centers to create Azure, a cloud platform for building, deploying, and managing services and applications, anywhere. Azure lets you add cloud capabilities to your existing network through its platform as a service (PaaS) model, or entrust Microsoft with all of your computing and network needs with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Either option provides secure, reliable access to your cloud hosted data—one built on Microsoft’s proven architecture.


With Microsoft Azure you can spin up new services and geometrically scale your data storage capabilities on the fly. Compare this to a static data center, which would require new hardware and OS purchasing, provisioning, and deployment before additional power could be brought to bear against your IT challenges. This modern flexibility makes Azure a tempting solution for organizations of any size.


Azure solutions don’t just make it faster and easier to add and scale infrastructure, they make it cheaper. Physical services and infrastructure devices like routers, load balancers and more quickly add up to thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then there’s the IT expertise required to run this equipment, which amounts to major payroll overhead. By leveraging Microsoft’s massive infrastructure and expertise, Azure can trim our annual IT budget by head-turning percentages.


With a la carte service offerings like Visual Studio Team Services, Visual Studio Application Insights, and Azure’s scalable, on-demand storage for both frequently accessed and ‘cold’ data, Microsoft makes developing and testing mission-critical apps a snap. Move an application from test to production mode on the fly across a globally distributed network. Microsoft also offers substantial licensing discounts for migrating their existing apps to Azure, which represents even more opportunity for savings.

Disaster Recovery

Sometimes the unthinkable becomes the very immediate reality. Another advantage of Microsoft Azure lay in its high-speed and geographically decentralized infrastructure, which creates limitless options for disaster recovery plans. Ensure that your critical application and data can run from redundant sites during recovery periods that last minutes or hours instead of days. Lost time is lost business, and with Azure you can guarantee continuous service delivery even when disaster strikes.
We implement a range of Azure based solutions that accelerate an enterprise-wide cloud adoption while building a robust multi-cloud environment. Azure technology, when combined with our vast experience and knowledge, inspire best decision for businesses, which has a direct bearing on your time and value of investment.
Cloud Migration
Expertise in migrating solutions from on-premise to the cloud and at the same time providing a hybrid computing approach for its customers.
Cloud Consulting
Atidan Cloud Experts helps its customers with their existing cloud solutions and augment their cloud solutions with data integration and application integration consulting.
Cloud Infrastructure & Implementation
Our staff can help in implementing cloud infrastructure solutions as well as application development and deployment solutions for the cloud. We can also help in cloud data center design, sizing and deployment of application & data solutions. 
Cloud data governance and security
Customers can avail of our expertise in implementing data security and compliance solutions in the cloud or hybrid environments and help in implementing data governance and data lineage solutions.

Our expertise with the Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform can help customers implementing various cloud solutions and deployments. Our Azure stack of product development services include Azure Bot Framework, Azure Functions, Azure App Services, Azure Database, and Big Data & Analytics. 

Container deployment on Azure Functions, ACI and AKS
Containerizing apps and solutions and building micro services with Azure Functions, Azure Container Instances and Azure Kubernetes Service

Cognitive Services & Machine Learning
Help customers build true AI solutions with Microsoft Cognitive Services and Microsoft AI & ML.Net platform

Microsoft IoT Solutions
Leverage Azure IoT to invent new lines of business, improve productivity and use AI and machine learning to quickly process massive quantities of data from all kinds of IoT devices

Microsoft IaaS and PaaS solutions
We have in-depth expertise with the Azure Infrastructure solutions, specialists in public and private cloud infrastructure design, build and deployment, expertise with Azure Stack Offerings for Hybrid cloud deployments

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are today's buzzwords and presumably there is none who hasn’t heard about these words. These are the hottest topics as on date. Let us try to understand the meanings of AI and ML.

Artificial Learning is the study of how to train the computers so that computers can do things which at present human can do better. Machine Learning (ML) is an application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.

Some of the common business scenarios, where machine learning is useful, are Ad targeting, Churn analysis, Image detection & classification, Equipment monitoring, Recommendations, Forecasting, Spam filtering, Fraud detection and Anomaly detection.  

Microsoft Azure AI
Leveraging prebuilt AI Capabilities as Azure Cognitive Search & Services, Conversational AI, Custom Development, ML Learning Studio, AI Toolkit, Azure Kubernetes Services and AI Silicon Support

Microsoft Azure ML
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio is a collaborative, drag-and-drop tool you can use to build, test, and deploy predictive analytics solutions on your data. Machine Learning Studio publishes models as web services that can easily be consumed by custom apps or BI tools such as Excel.

Microsoft Cognitive Services
Azure Cognitive Services are APIs, SDKs, and services available to help developers build intelligent applications without having direct AI or data science skills or knowledge. Azure Cognitive Services enable developers to easily add cognitive features into their applications.

The catalog of services within Azure Cognitive Services can be categorized into five main pillars - Decision, Speech, Language, Vision and Search.